Thursday, October 20, 2011

October Blog-o-sphere Think Tank

topic: october: favourite season? (and why?)

my favorite season is season 9! Ha ha… I’m talking about Project Runway. I thought about seasons as in spring, summer… but I don’t really have favorite. I used to love summer. I thought it’s perfect since my name is “summer child” in Japanese. But as I get older, heat became too hard on my body. (this is sound so old!! I’m not that old yet…) well, I guess it’s not that bad but bad enough to not be my favorite time of the year. But I do love having four seasons and I appreciate each season:)

Now, for those of you who watch Project Runway isn’t season 9 exciting!? Especially Anya. She is amazing! She is only sewing for four months before the show but it doesn’t matter when you can design! I’m very curious to see how her collection going to look with her limited sewing skill. And it comes on tonight @9pm!

And here is more from blog friends talking about same topic:


Happy Crafting:)


  1. Ditto Thomasin! Anya is my fav as well!

  2. Great take on "seasons" Natsuko :)

    Was sorry to see Anthony Ryan go since he is from Baton Rouge, but Anya's collection is the one I'm most interested in seeing.

  3. haha! fantastic answer Natsuko :)
