Tuesday, August 3, 2010

so it begins...

listing the new items! I have so many to list!! but my son is still home with me everyday so I have to find time to take pictures & write the descriptions... so it's going to have to be little bit at time. I manage to list one earrings today and I re-worked on my sections in my shop. I use to made section by collections but this time I did by what it is... I think it's easier to navigate shop. so if I can have feedback on that, I'd appreciate it!
Happy crafting:)


  1. what gorgeous earrings! can't wait to see everything else, but take it easy - your son is the most important :)

  2. thanks, Aimee! I know... find a balance is tough!!

  3. those earrings are an amazing colour. love them! (:

  4. these are beautiful natsuko! I have to agree that things are easier to navigate when seperated by "what they are"can't wait to see all of your new items!

  5. I have a little goodie for you on my blog

