Sunday, August 15, 2010

Handmade Division ~August Take about blog

"Talk about something you'd like to create, that you maybe don't have the skills or technology to do currently? "

Oh, isn’t it fun to just think about what you’d like to create? I have list of things I’d like to do one day. painting, photography, pottery… to just name a few. But anything I want to do, if I really want to do it it’s possible. I don’t do because I feel that I don’t have time. There are still so many techniques I’d like to and I need to learn about jewelry making and enameling. Since I’m trying to make a living with my jewelry, I feel I should do that first. But when my son grows up and I’d have all day long… I really want to sew for fun. Make clothes for myself! I used to sew all the time. I go to fabric store daily to see what I’m going to make next and take some fabric home, start to sew and wear that the next day or two! But when I try to sew for money, it took all the fun out of me and didn’t want to sew anymore…well, that’s why I start to make jewelry so maybe that was good thing… but someday I would love to sew again!
Now, let’s go see what other artists are dreaming to create. Maybe I get some more ideas too…:)
happy crafting:)


  1. ooooh sewing is fun too. I have my sewing machine sitting on the floor, waiting for me to make some pillow cases... it's been there a couple months... ok, a few months. lol. Someday. i'll do it :)

  2. thanks, Ande & Alice for comments! yes, I sew the jacket. that one is few that I still have. I use to be skinny... I gave most of cloth I sew to my sister a while back.

  3. Wonderful post!! I am so glad to meet you and get to read your lovely ideas - especially since I love your art already!!!

  4. that is a gorgeous jacket! I hope you find time to get back to it. I wish I would find time for painting again. It's really been put on the back burner for a while (more than 8 years since I painted last)..

  5. You're such a creative person, Natsuko, that I know you'll find your way back to something you enjoy so much!

    I do empathize with you. There was a time when I sewed or crocheted many of my clothes. I've been missing that expressive outlet too. :)

    BTW...that's a lovely jacket!!!

  6. Working with fabric is awesome! There is so much you can do even beyond clothing!

  7. Wow--that is a beautiful jacket! I know you'll find time to enjoy sewing again one of these days. You are so talented and it's fun to learn a bit more about you.
