~December's topic: Where do you aspire to be in 5 years?
it's been more than 2 years since I don't have a "day job". I stay home and make jewelry for living. this was really a dream of mine and I love it! but because I love so much, I work too much... sometime I feel bad if I couldn't pay more attention to my family. so! I came up with perfect solution! I'll open a little shop/studio in Japan with my sister for the summer. (so my sister can handle all the no-fun business end of stuff) location I'm thinking of is tourist town that only open for the summer. while I work in my shop, my husband and my son can go explore Japan. and we will talk about our day over the dinner. this way, I can work without feeling guilty!
as for rest of the year, I hope I'm continue to do what I'm doing now. still have my Etsy shop if Etsy still exists but I really want to establish my website. build local customer base. and focus more in one-of-a-kind work.
above all, I hope I'll still make every piece of jewelry with joy, still learning and trying new thing, and keep dreaming:)
now, let's go see what other wonderful artists of Handmade Division are aspire to be~
Andes Cruz: http://www.andescruz.wordpress.com/
Tess Norberg: http://www.nova-designs.blogspot.com/
Rebekah Timlin Meddles: http://www.lunasadesigns.blogspot.com/
Bella-Bijou Jewellery : http://www.bellabijoujewellery.blogspot.com/
JJ Papke: http://www.rosyrevolver.blogspot.com/
Beth Cyr: http://bcyrjewelry.blogspot.com/
Tosca Teran: http://www.nanopod.wordpress.com/
Thomasin Durgin: http://metalriot.blogspot.com/
Lisa Hopkins Design: http://lisahopkinsdesign.blogspot.com/
happy crafting:)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
jewelry making for fun

this first one, I made cabochon with raspberry pink enamel over copper and made rose from silver wire and fused onto the cabochon. and then, I made a setting at the jewelry class. I think it's very beautiful and proud to say it's 100% handmade from row material. and this piece was first piece to get purchased at my trunk show this past Saturday. I must say I was little sad to say good bye to the necklace... but fact that customer who purchased was very good customer of mine and he was purchasing for gift to his wife. now, his wife is really lovely lady so I'm very happy that she is going to have it!

Thursday, December 2, 2010
brass locket with enamel poppy
I had a custom request for brass lockets in little lager than what I had. so I got few of them and made one for the customer. and because it turned out so beautiful, I made one sample and listed on my Etsy shop. and then little bit that I had sold out in matter of a day or two! even more exciting thing was each request was different and each piece turned out oh so beautifully! here is few snap shots before shipping...

these must be an odd size, I couldn't find large supply for it. but I did order few more and it's on their way! the one in the first picture, customer requested with "petal look" poppy. so I made with just little larger than my half inch poppy. and each locket, I'll hand stamp secret message...
Happy Crafting:)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
personalized jewelry
as I prepare to open my personalized jewelry station on upstairs Zodiac, I've been making lots of samples. I love making personalized jewelry and they do sell really well. but I was hesitant to list on my Etsy shop. because on Etsy, they have plenty of personalized jewelry listings already. but I dicide to list some that are still very much unique to my shop.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
at Cultural Art Center...
see the red dot? it's sold! yay!!
everything is so awesome and I wanted to take more pictures but my battery was dieing... but show is open until November 13th so if you are in the area please stop by!
Happy crafting:)
Friday, October 22, 2010
winter is coming...
...and I'm very much drawn to shades of gray. every season I have some color I just attracted to and this season, it's Gray. so you'll see lots of colorful grays from me in my shop this winter!
steel x pastel gray
oyster gray studs, made for custom order
looks great with brass gold too!
oyster gray necklace
oyster gray earrings

Happy crafting:)
steel x pastel gray

Happy crafting:)
etsy shop,
Friday, October 15, 2010
Handmade Division October talk about….
“Tell us about yourself - how did you get to where you are now with your skills?”
My journey to jewelry making began about 15 years ago. My friend gave me a beaded pendant kit when I was burned out from sewing and looking for something new to try. After I completed that kit, I went get more beads along with few supplies and start to make jewelry. Although I learned a lot on my own, when I think about how I get to where I am now with my skills, I have to give credit to Columbus cultural art center for it. This place amazes me to no end. The variety of classes they offer, the level of teachers and how affordable they are… My friend/co-worker at the time was attending there and told me about it. I was looking for ways to make my own beads so I start to take polymer clay class in spring of 2007. Then, she didn’t have classes in summer so I took copper enameling instead. And when I acquainted with enameling I felt that I found my medium. So I am now enameling for about three years and I’m now taking jewelry class that focused on metal work.
When I thought about this topic, I went to my Flickr page and look from the beginning page. Wow, talk about walking down the memory lane! I have pictures up since august of 2007 and looking at those pieces makes me so emotional… a lot of pieces were gift and most are progression of learning and try new things.
this is few cloisonne piece I ever done. a gift to my friend. design much with his tattoo.
one of my first enamel piece that I absolutely love. I gifted to my good friend for his birthday.
enamel piece set in polymer clay. the enamel piece was mistake but end it up something so unusual. my teacher has it. I trade her with one of her fabulous piece.
polymer clay brooch. my favorite autumn pin:)
made from polymer clay. my friend treasure it:)
My journey to jewelry making began about 15 years ago. My friend gave me a beaded pendant kit when I was burned out from sewing and looking for something new to try. After I completed that kit, I went get more beads along with few supplies and start to make jewelry. Although I learned a lot on my own, when I think about how I get to where I am now with my skills, I have to give credit to Columbus cultural art center for it. This place amazes me to no end. The variety of classes they offer, the level of teachers and how affordable they are… My friend/co-worker at the time was attending there and told me about it. I was looking for ways to make my own beads so I start to take polymer clay class in spring of 2007. Then, she didn’t have classes in summer so I took copper enameling instead. And when I acquainted with enameling I felt that I found my medium. So I am now enameling for about three years and I’m now taking jewelry class that focused on metal work.
When I thought about this topic, I went to my Flickr page and look from the beginning page. Wow, talk about walking down the memory lane! I have pictures up since august of 2007 and looking at those pieces makes me so emotional… a lot of pieces were gift and most are progression of learning and try new things.
this is few cloisonne piece I ever done. a gift to my friend. design much with his tattoo.

Andes Cruz: http://www.andescruz.wordpress.com/
Tess Norberg/ Nova Designs: http://www.nova-designs.blogspot.com/
Bill Martin/ Purified Art: http://purifiedart.blogspot.com
Sand Fibers: http://sandfibers.blogspot.com
Emily Watson/ Metal Emily: http://nocoloratall.tumblr.com/
Susan Moloney: http://susarto.blogspot.com/
Alice Istanbul: http://istanbuldesigns.blogspot.com/
Jewelry by Natsuko: http://jewelrybynatsuko.blogspot.com/
Tosca Teran/ Nanopod: http://nanopod.wordpress.com/
Bella-Bijou Jewellery: http://bellabijoujewellery.blogspot.com/
Beth Cyr: http://bcyrjewelry.blogspot.com/
Lisa Hopkins Design: http://lisahopkinsdesign.blogspot.com/
Metalriot/ Thomasin Durgin: http://metalriot.blogspot.com/
NEDbeads/ Nancy Dale: http://nedbeads.blogspot.com/
Tamra Gentry - http://www.jewelrydesignchronicles.com/
Rosy Revolver/ JJ Papke- http://rosyrevolver.blogspot.com/
Alisa Miller- http://alisamiller.blogspot.com
WATTO/ Mary Spencer- http://www.wattoonline.blogspot.com/
Happy crafting:)
Tess Norberg/ Nova Designs: http://www.nova-designs.blogspot.com/
Bill Martin/ Purified Art: http://purifiedart.blogspot.com
Sand Fibers: http://sandfibers.blogspot.com
Emily Watson/ Metal Emily: http://nocoloratall.tumblr.com/
Susan Moloney: http://susarto.blogspot.com/
Alice Istanbul: http://istanbuldesigns.blogspot.com/
Jewelry by Natsuko: http://jewelrybynatsuko.blogspot.com/
Tosca Teran/ Nanopod: http://nanopod.wordpress.com/
Bella-Bijou Jewellery: http://bellabijoujewellery.blogspot.com/
Beth Cyr: http://bcyrjewelry.blogspot.com/
Lisa Hopkins Design: http://lisahopkinsdesign.blogspot.com/
Metalriot/ Thomasin Durgin: http://metalriot.blogspot.com/
NEDbeads/ Nancy Dale: http://nedbeads.blogspot.com/
Tamra Gentry - http://www.jewelrydesignchronicles.com/
Rosy Revolver/ JJ Papke- http://rosyrevolver.blogspot.com/
Alisa Miller- http://alisamiller.blogspot.com
WATTO/ Mary Spencer- http://www.wattoonline.blogspot.com/
Happy crafting:)
Sunday, October 3, 2010
season of love...

I been quite busy lately. I got few wedding/bridesmaids orders and they usually comes in quantity. it is blessing to have orders and I'm so grateful to be able to work and best of all, I love thinking that my jewelries are in part of somebody's very special day! and bonus, I get to take pictures of all the jewelry. I'm working on bridesmaids gift brochure for local shops so I'm super excited to have these pictures!

happy crafting:)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Handmade Division Etsy Team September Talk about blog
Septembers Topic: "Where do you draw your inspirations for creating from?"
I get inspirations from just browsing on Etsy… haha, just kidding! Sorry if it wasn’t funny… but anyway, I thought about this and although inspirations are everywhere, I have to say I most get inspire from changes in the season. I love to think about up-coming season, think about colors and jewelry design. First, colors are most important to me. Every season feels different colors and I think about how to express the colors with enamels. I love to cook-up the colors in my mind, kind of like when you think about new recipe… (I often think about this but how I make jewelry is a lot like how I cook) and just try the recipe out! Sometime they comes out just as I imagine, sometime it’s blah… and sometimes they come out very different than I imagined but I love it anyway. It’s all fun & good times!!

Another things the give me inspirations is my customers. I love getting custom orders and I feel great joy to trying to make just what the customers wanting. They often let me try something I’d never thought on my own and from that, I inspire to make something else.
It’s always like snowballing. Make one thing and that would let to the next thing… keep growing… never ends… well, I hope it never ends!
It’s always like snowballing. Make one thing and that would let to the next thing… keep growing… never ends… well, I hope it never ends!
Now let’s go see what other members else say about this topic!
Andes Cruz: http://andescruz.wordpress.com/
Susan Moloney: http://susarto.blogspot.com/
mAlice Istanbul: http://istanbuldesigns.blogspot.com/
Rebekah Meddles (Lunasa Designs Jewelry): http://lunasadesigns.blogspot.com/
nanotopia: http://nanopod.wordpress.com/
Andes Cruz: http://andescruz.wordpress.com/
Susan Moloney: http://susarto.blogspot.com/
mAlice Istanbul: http://istanbuldesigns.blogspot.com/
Rebekah Meddles (Lunasa Designs Jewelry): http://lunasadesigns.blogspot.com/
nanotopia: http://nanopod.wordpress.com/
Bella-Bijou Jewellery http://bellabijoujewellery.blogspot.com/
Beth Cyr http://bcyrjewelry.blogspot.com/
ArtJewel Designs: http://www.artjeweldesigns.blogspot.com/
Lisa Hopkins Design: http://lisahopkinsdesign.blogspot.com/
Thomasin Durgin http://metalriot.blogspot.com/
Abhaya Fibers http://abhayafibers.blogspot.com/
Beth Cyr http://bcyrjewelry.blogspot.com/
ArtJewel Designs: http://www.artjeweldesigns.blogspot.com/
Lisa Hopkins Design: http://lisahopkinsdesign.blogspot.com/
Thomasin Durgin http://metalriot.blogspot.com/
Abhaya Fibers http://abhayafibers.blogspot.com/
happy crafting:)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Fall giveaway!
day by day more and more feels like fall... how is everyone doing? I'm just busy working on orders (thank you!) and still setting up shop for personalized jewelry station. I have too many ideas for this shop and little overwhelmed at this moment. but my son is back to pre-school so I have all morning to work or not work...
happy crafting!
Friday, August 20, 2010
*Burnt Sugar* and I think I need better name for this one...
happy crafting:)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Handmade Division ~August Take about blog
"Talk about something you'd like to create, that you maybe don't have the skills or technology to do currently? "
Oh, isn’t it fun to just think about what you’d like to create? I have list of things I’d like to do one day. painting, photography, pottery… to just name a few. But anything I want to do, if I really want to do it it’s possible. I don’t do because I feel that I don’t have time. There are still so many techniques I’d like to and I need to learn about jewelry making and enameling. Since I’m trying to make a living with my jewelry, I feel I should do that first. But when my son grows up and I’d have all day long… I really want to sew for fun. Make clothes for myself! I used to sew all the time. I go to fabric store daily to see what I’m going to make next and take some fabric home, start to sew and wear that the next day or two! But when I try to sew for money, it took all the fun out of me and didn’t want to sew anymore…well, that’s why I start to make jewelry so maybe that was good thing… but someday I would love to sew again!
Now, let’s go see what other artists are dreaming to create. Maybe I get some more ideas too…:)
NEDbeads: http://www.nedbeads.blogspot.com/
Lisa Hopkins Design: http://lisahopkinsdesign.blogspot.com/
Jewelry by Natsuko: http://jewelrybynatsuko.blogspot.com/
Beth Cyr: http://bcyrjewelry.blogspot.com/
ArtJewel Designs: http://www.artjeweldesigns.blogspot.com/
Abhaya Fibers: http://abhayafibers.blogspot.com/
Purified Art: http://purifiedart.blogspot.com/
Nova of Sweden http://nova-designs.blogspot.com/
Bella-Bijou Jewellery: http://bellabijoujewellery.blogspot.com/
Pink Crow Studio: http://www.pinkcrowstudio.typepad.com/
Sand Fibers: http://sandfibers.blogspot.com/
Alice Istanbul: http://istanbuldesigns.blogspot.com/
Thomasin Durgin: http://metalriot.blogspot.com/
Moxie & Oliver: http://moxieandoliver.blogspot.com/
Andes Cruz: http://andescruz.wordpress.com/
Lisa Hopkins Design: http://lisahopkinsdesign.blogspot.com/
Jewelry by Natsuko: http://jewelrybynatsuko.blogspot.com/
Beth Cyr: http://bcyrjewelry.blogspot.com/
ArtJewel Designs: http://www.artjeweldesigns.blogspot.com/
Abhaya Fibers: http://abhayafibers.blogspot.com/
Purified Art: http://purifiedart.blogspot.com/
Nova of Sweden http://nova-designs.blogspot.com/
Bella-Bijou Jewellery: http://bellabijoujewellery.blogspot.com/
Pink Crow Studio: http://www.pinkcrowstudio.typepad.com/
Sand Fibers: http://sandfibers.blogspot.com/
Alice Istanbul: http://istanbuldesigns.blogspot.com/
Thomasin Durgin: http://metalriot.blogspot.com/
Moxie & Oliver: http://moxieandoliver.blogspot.com/
Andes Cruz: http://andescruz.wordpress.com/
Tosca Teran http://nanopod.wordpress.com/
happy crafting:)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Brass Love
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